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False Virtue Discovered: The Discovery of Volkert in the Laundry Basket
Cornelis Troost
Saartje Jans is Asked for her Hand in Marriage
Cornelis Troost
Reinier Adriaansz's Declaration of Love
Cornelis Troost
The Discovery of Jan Claasz
Cornelis Troost
Pefroen and the Sheep's Head
Cornelis Troost
'Nemo Loquebatur' ('No one was speaking')
Cornelis Troost
'Erat Sermo inter Fratres' (The brothers conversed)
Cornelis Troost
'Loquebantur Omnes' (Everyone was talking)
Cornelis Troost
'Rumor erat in casa' (There was a commotion in the house)
Cornelis Troost
'Ibant qui poterant, qui non potuere cadebant' (Those who could, walked; those who could not, fell)
Cornelis Troost
The Mathematicians or the Young Lady Who Fled: The Dispute between Doctors Raasbollius and Urinaal
Cornelis Troost
The Wedding of Kloris and Roosje
Cornelis Troost
The Organ Grinder
Cornelis Troost
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