Dirck de Bray

Still Life with a Bouquet in the Making

1166 detail signatuur
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1166 voorzijde
1166 voorzijde

Dirck de Bray
Still Life with a Bouquet in the Making

1674 Zu sehen in Saal 11

This flower still-life is different from all the others, because the bouquet is not yet finished. The vase is only half full, and some of the flowers are still lying on the table. It is also unusual that all the flowers depicted are from the same season: anemones, tulips, narcissi and columbines all bloom in the springtime.

Dirck de Bray came from a Haarlem family of artists. Although he did not paint many works, this still-life shows that he was a very skilled painter.

Technische Daten
1166 voorzijde

Dirck de Bray
Still Life with a Bouquet in the Making

1674 Zu sehen in Saal 11

Acquired with support from the VriendenLoterij, the Rembrandt Association (in part from the Stortenbeker Fund) and Mr H.B. van der Ven, 2011
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Allgemeine Informationen
Dirck de Bray (Haarlem c. 1635 - 1694 Goch)
Still Life with a Bouquet in the Making
Saal 11
Material und technische Daten
40.5 x 35.7 cm
lower left: 1674 D.D.Bray. F.


Sale London, Christie's, 21 June 1968, lot 91, to Speelman; Edward Speelman Gallery, London; Robert H. Smith, Washington; S. Nijstad Gallery, The Hague, 1977; Jonkheer L.C. de Villeneuve, Wassenaar, 1977-2005; by inheritance into the family; acquired with the support of the Vriendenloterij, the Rembrandt Association, and Mr H.B. van der Ven, 2011