Gerard David

Wooded Landscape

843 linkervleugel achterzijde
843 linkervleugel ingelijst
843 linkervleugel voorzijde
843 linkervleugel voorzijde

Gerard David
Wooded Landscape

c. 1510-1515 Zu sehen in Saal 6

In these two forest scenes by Gerard David, all the attention is focused on nature. There is no story and there are no people involved. Yet they are not independent landscapes, but the wings of an altarpiece. They depict a biblical text announcing the coming of the Messiah. This is what the congregation would have seen when the altarpiece was closed. The inside would have depicted the birth of Christ.

Technische Daten
843 linkervleugel voorzijde

Gerard David
Wooded Landscape

c. 1510-1515 Zu sehen in Saal 6

Bruikleen van het Rijksmuseum. Aankoop met steun van de Commissie voor Fotoverkoop en de Staat der Nederlanden
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Allgemeine Informationen
Gerard David (Oudewater c. 1450 - 1523 Bruges)
Wooded Landscape
c. 1510-1515
Saal 6
Material und technische Daten
89.9 x 30.7 cm


Ramon F. Urrutia, Madrid, 1920; Duveen Brothers Gallery, Paris, 1928; Jules S. Bache Collection, New York, 1928; sometime between 1930 and 1932 the outside wings now in the Mauritshuis were removed from the triptych now in New York and returned to Duveen Brothers; purchased by the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (inv. nos. SK-A-3134 and 3135), 1932; on long-term loan from the Rijksmuseum, since 1948