Adriaen Brouwer

Fighting Peasants

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Adriaen Brouwer
Fighting Peasants

c. 1625-1626 On view in Room 4

The Flemish painter Adriaen Brouwer lived for a while in Amsterdam and Haarlem, where he introduced the peasant genre. His scenes show caricatures of the lives of peasants and country folk, which respectable Dutch buyers found very amusing.

Outside an inn, some peasants are playing cards. Heightened by drink, spirits have risen to such levels that they have started fighting one another.

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919 voorzijde

Adriaen Brouwer
Fighting Peasants

c. 1625-1626 On view in Room 4



General information
Adriaen Brouwer (Oudenaarde 1605/1606 - 1638 Antwerp)
Fighting Peasants
c. 1625-1626
Room 4
Material and technical details
25.8 x 34.2 cm
lower right, on a piece of wood: AB
in ligature


Thomas, Count De Fraula, Brussels, 1738; his sale, Brussels, 21 July 1738 (Lugt 488), no. 208 (for 48 guilders to Lormier); Willem Lormier, The Hague, 1738-1763; his sale, The Hague, 4 July 1763 (Lugt 1307), no. 39 (for 60 guilders to Van Heteren); Adriaan Leonard van Heteren, The Hague, until 1800; his heir, jonkheer Adriaan Leonard van Heteren Gevers, 1800-1809; the entire collection Van Heteren Gevers bought by King Louis Napoleon for the Royal Museum, Amsterdam; on loan from the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (inv. no. SK-A-65), since 1954