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Сад Эдема и грехопадение человека
Jan Brueghel the Elder & Peter Paul Rubens
Fish Still Life
Abraham van Beyeren
Still Life with Game and Fowl
Abraham van Beyeren
Banquet Still Life
Abraham van Beyeren
Flower Still Life with a Timepiece
Abraham van Beyeren
Still Life with Seafood
Abraham van Beyeren
Sumptuous Still Life
Abraham van Beyeren
Interior of a Catholic Church
Bartholomeus van Bassen
Interior of the Great Hall on the Binnenhof in The Hague, during the Great Assembly of the States-General in 1651
Bartholomeus van Bassen (attributed to)
The Penitent Mary Magdalen
Gortzius Geldorp the Elder
Gortzius Geldorp the Elder (atelier van)
Portrait of Elisabeth of Austria (1526-1545), Aged Four
Jacob Seisenegger
Portrait of Anna of Austria (1528-1590), Aged Two
Jacob Seisenegger
Portrait of Maximilian of Austria (1527-1576), Aged Three
Jacob Seisenegger
Posthumous Portrait of William IV (1711-1751)
Jacques-André-Joseph Aved
Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase
Jan Brueghel the Elder
Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Jan Brueghel the Elder & Hans Rottenhammer
Christ's Descent into Limbo
Jan Brueghel the Elder & Hans Rottenhammer
Garland of Fruit surrounding a Depiction of Cybele Receiving Gifts from Personifications of the Four Seasons
Jan Brueghel the Elder & Hendrik van Balen
Nymphs Filling the Cornucopia
Jan Brueghel the Elder & Peter Paul Rubens
Madonna and Child
Jan Gossaert
Portrait of Floris van Egmond (1469-1539)
Jan Gossaert
Portrait of Jacob van Kretschmar (1721-1792)
Jean-Baptiste Perronneau
Portrait of a Deceased Girl, probably Catharina Margaretha van Valkenburg
Johannes Thopas
Landscape with Salmacis and Hermaphroditus
Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée
Portrait of Francis I (1708-1765)
Martin Meytens the Youger (studio of)
Portrait of Maria Theresa (1717-1780)
Martin Meytens the Youger (studio of)
The Card Players
Pieter Jansz Quast
The Triumph of Folly: Brutus Playing the Fool before King Tarquinius
Pieter Jansz Quast
Jacob Urging Leah and Rachel to Flee from Laban
Pieter Symonsz Potter
Orang-utan from the Zoo of Stadholder Willem V, Picking an Apple
Tethart Philip Christian Haag
Фильтры коллекций