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Panorama near Arnhem
Aert Schouman
The Peddlers
Andrea di Leone (attributed to)
The Birth of Mary
Anonymous (Germany)
Console Table
Anonymous (Germany)
Portrait of Stadholder-King William III (1650-1702) surrounded by a Garland of Flowers
Daniel Seghers
Bust of Constantijn Huygens Surrounded by a Garland of Flowers (1596–1687)
Daniel Seghers & Jan Cossiers
Garland of Flowers surrounding a Sculpture of the Virgin Mary
Daniel Seghers & Thomas Willeboirts Bosschaert
Portrait of a Man, probably Mathias Lambertus Singendonck (1678-1742), Burgomaster of Nijmegen
Gerrit Alberts
Portrait of Johan Maurits (1604-1679), Count of Nassau-Siegen, Founder of the Mauritshuis
Jan de Baen
Allegory of Cornelis de Witt (1623-1672) as Instigator of the Victory at Chatham in 1667
Jan de Baen
Dune Landscape with a Country Road
Pieter van Santvoort
Bust of Stadholder William V (1748-1806)
née Collot, Marie-Anne Falconet
Bust of Princess Frederika Sophia Wilhelmina (1751-1820)
née Collot, Marie-Anne Falconet
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