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Still Life with Cheeses, Almonds and Pretzels
Clara Peeters

Сад Эдема и грехопадение человека
Jan Brueghel the Elder & Peter Paul Rubens

Panorama near Arnhem
Aert Schouman

The Peddlers
Andrea di Leone (attributed to)

The Birth of Mary
Anonymous (Germany)

Console Table
Anonymous (Germany)

Shells on a Table
Balthasar van der Ast

Fruit Still Life with Shells and Tulip
Balthasar van der Ast

Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase
Balthasar van der Ast

Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase, with Shells
Balthasar van der Ast

A Single Tulip in a Vase
Balthasar van der Ast

Portrait of Jan Beck (1611-1676) and his Five Children
Cornelis Jonson van Ceulen

Portrait of Stadholder-King William III (1650-1702) surrounded by a Garland of Flowers
Daniel Seghers

Bust of Constantijn Huygens Surrounded by a Garland of Flowers (1596–1687)
Daniel Seghers & Jan Cossiers

Garland of Flowers surrounding a Sculpture of the Virgin Mary
Daniel Seghers & Thomas Willeboirts Bosschaert

Gilded Table
Daniël Marot (after a design by)

A Hunting Nymph, Asleep
Dirck van der Lisse

Ambulatory of the Nieuwe Kerk in Delft, with the Tomb of William the Silent
Gerard Houckgeest

The Tomb of William the Silent in the Nieuwe Kerk in Delft
Gerard Houckgeest

Portrait of a Man, probably Mathias Lambertus Singendonck (1678-1742), Burgomaster of Nijmegen
Gerrit Alberts

Portrait of Stadholder-King William III (1650- 1702)
Godefridus Schalcken

Lady at a Mirror by Candlelight
Godefridus Schalcken

A Useless Moral Lesson
Godefridus Schalcken

The Doctor's Examination
Godefridus Schalcken

Young Woman with Pigeons (Venus?)
Godefridus Schalcken

Portrait of Diederick Hoeufft (1648-1719)
Godefridus Schalcken

Portrait of Isabella Agneta Deutz (1658- 1694/96)
Godefridus Schalcken

Italianate Landscape
Jan Asselijn

Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase
Jan Brueghel the Elder

Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Jan Brueghel the Elder & Hans Rottenhammer

Christ's Descent into Limbo
Jan Brueghel the Elder & Hans Rottenhammer

Garland of Fruit surrounding a Depiction of Cybele Receiving Gifts from Personifications of the Four Seasons
Jan Brueghel the Elder & Hendrik van Balen
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