Mattheus Terwesten

Allegory of Peace

1042 achterzijde
1042 ingelijst
1042 voorzijde
1042 voorzijde

Mattheus Terwesten
Allegory of Peace

Zu sehen in Saal 11

The lady sitting here on her throne represents Peace. A suit of armour lies unused at her feet, and she is holding a palm branch, while a white dove of peace is fluttering up into the air.

Mattheus Terwesten is a lesser-known painter, who made many of this type of decorative scene. They were often part of an interior and, like this painting, were incorporated into the panelling.

Technische Daten
1042 voorzijde

Mattheus Terwesten
Allegory of Peace

Zu sehen in Saal 11

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Allgemeine Informationen
Mattheus Terwesten (The Hague 1670 - 1757 The Hague)
Allegory of Peace
Saal 11
Material und technische Daten
118 x 79 cm


Served as a chimneypiece in the so-called Late Cabinet on the first floor of the Mauritshuis until 1982