Cornelis Troost

False Virtue Discovered: The Discovery of Volkert in the Laundry Basket

Cornelis Troost  De ontdekte schijndeugd: De ontdekking van Volkert in de mand
Cornelis Troost  De ontdekte schijndeugd: De ontdekking van Volkert in de mand
Cornelis Troost  De ontdekte schijndeugd: De ontdekking van Volkert in de mand
Cornelis Troost  De ontdekte schijndeugd: De ontdekking van Volkert in de mand

Cornelis Troost
False Virtue Discovered: The Discovery of Volkert in the Laundry Basket

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Allgemeine Informationen
Cornelis Troost (Amsterdam 1696 - 1750 Amsterdam)
False Virtue Discovered: The Discovery of Volkert in the Laundry Basket
Material und technische Daten
pastel, gouache
paper on canvas
63 x 51.1 cm
upper right, on the cupboard: C. Troost / 1739


Jeronimus Tonneman, Amsterdam; his sale, Amsterdam, 21 October 1754 (Lugt 845), no. 4 (together with nos. 1-3 for 650 guilders to Harencarspel); François van Harencarspel, Amsterdam, 1754-1756; his sale, Amsterdam, 11 May 1756 (Lugt 922), no. 202 (together with nos. 199-201 for 640 guilders to Yver for Van der Marck); Johan van der Marck, Amsterdam, 1756-1773; his sale, Amsterdam, 25 August 1773 (Lugt 2189), no. 1 (together with the other three pastels for 1,000 guilders to Nijman); Jan Danser Nijman, Amsterdam (not in his sale, Amsterdam, 16 August 1797, at which the other three pastels from the series were sold); Jan Isaak de Neufville Brants (1768-1807), Amsterdam; his son, Jan Isaak de Neufville Brants (1800-1828); his sale, Amsterdam, 28 March 1829 (Lugt 11974), no. 6 (for 50 guilders to De Vries for the Mauritshuis, together with inv. nos. 180-185, 191-193); purchased, 1829