Jacob van Hulsdonck

Roses in a Glass Vase

1214 detail signatuur
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1214 voorzijde

Jacob van Hulsdonck
Roses in a Glass Vase

c. 1640-1645 Expuesto en Sala 4

The bouquets in most seventeenth-century floral still lifes are made up of many different kinds of flowers, but for this small painting Van Hulsdonck selected only roses, including a sweet briar at the top left. As a result, it seems far more natural than other floral still lifes. It has also been painted with great precision, from the water droplets on the leaves to the cockchafer beetle in the bottom right-hand corner.

Van Hulsdonck worked in Antwerp, but trained in Middelburg, probably under Ambrosius Bosschaert who was specialised in flower still lifes.

Detalles técnicos
1214 voorzijde

Jacob van Hulsdonck
Roses in a Glass Vase

c. 1640-1645 Expuesto en Sala 4

Acquired by the Friends of the Mauritshuis Foundation, 2016


Información general
Jacob van Hulsdonck (Antwerp 1582 - 1647 Antwerp)
Roses in a Glass Vase
c. 1640-1645
Sala 4
Material y detalles técnicos
35 x 28.4 cm
lower right: IVHVLSDONCK.FE.
IVH in ligature


Private collection, France; private collection, England; purchased by the Friends of the Mauritshuis Foundation, 2016; on long-term loan from the Friends of the Mauritshuis Foundation, since 2016