Cornelis Troost

Reinier Adriaansz's Declaration of Love

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181 voorzijde

Cornelis Troost
Reinier Adriaansz's Declaration of Love

1737 Non visible

As a former actor, Troost was fond of scenes taken directly from the stage. So he painted a series of scenes from “Jan Claasz or the Supposed Servant Girl”, a play that was often performed in the early eighteenth century.

The scene in which the awkward Reinier Adriaanz woos Saartje Jans forms the farce’s climax. Struggling to get his words out, Reinier is completely unaware that Saartje Jans is making a fool of him. Although she is firmly turning him down, it is to no avail: Saartje will have to marry the dry old stick anyway.

Détails techniques
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Cornelis Troost
Reinier Adriaansz's Declaration of Love

1737 Non visible

Vers le haut


Informations générales
Cornelis Troost (Amsterdam 1696 - 1750 Amsterdam)
Reinier Adriaansz's Declaration of Love
Détails des matériaux et techniques
pastel, gouache
paper on canvas
62.8 x 52 cm
lower right, on the edge of the stoop: C. Troost 1737
left of centre, on the doorframe: Jan / Jaspersen


Jeronimus Tonneman, Amsterdam; his sale, Amsterdam, 21 October 1754 (Lugt 845), no. 6 (together with nos. 5 and 7 for 515 guilders to De Bruyn); Jan Jacob de Bruyn, Amsterdam; Jan Isaak de Neufville Brants (1768-1807), Amsterdam; his son, Jan Isaak de Neufville Brants (1800-1828); his sale, Amsterdam, 28 March 1829 (Lugt 11974), no. 5 (together with nos. 3-4 for 100 guilders [3-4] and 50 guilders [5] to De Vries for the Mauritshuis, together with inv. nos. 179, 183-185, 191-193); purchased, 1829