Ger Lataster

Icarus Atlanticus: Allegory of Human Vanity

1082 voorzijde
1082 voorzijde

Ger Lataster
Icarus Atlanticus: Allegory of Human Vanity

Visitabile tra Sala 16

In the 1980s, Lataster was commissioned to paint the ceiling of the Main Landing. He chose a composition with lots of colour, in which he incorporated the story of Icarus, who made his own wings to fly to the sun, but fell into the sea when the heat melted the wax. With this story Lataster warned himself of the danger of being too proud of this commission. Icarus’ wings are clearly identifiable, as are Lataster’s own metal-rimmed glasses.

Dettagli tecnici
1082 voorzijde

Ger Lataster
Icarus Atlanticus: Allegory of Human Vanity

Visitabile tra Sala 16

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Informazioni generali
Ger Lataster (Schaesberg 1920 - 2012 Amsterdam)
Icarus Atlanticus: Allegory of Human Vanity
Sala 16
Materiale e dettagli tecnici
500 x 500 cm
lower left, near Atlanticus: G. Lataster 87


Painted for the ceiling of the main landing of the Mauritshuis, as a commission from the Dutch State, 1987