Balthasar van der Ast

Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase, with Shells

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1108 voorzijde

Balthasar van der Ast
Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase, with Shells

c. 1640-1650 Em exibição em Sala 16

Van der Ast introduced a number of important innovations into flower still-lifes. This bouquet is painted much more freely than those of his predecessors, and is restricted to just a few types of flower. This makes it easier to imagine that this elegant bouquet actually existed.

The flowers exude an air of exclusivity, which is reinforced by the costly vase of Chinese porcelain and the collection of exotic shells.

Detalhes técnicos
1108 voorzijde

Balthasar van der Ast
Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase, with Shells

c. 1640-1650 Em exibição em Sala 16

Bequest of J.H. Loudon to the Friends of the Mauritshuis Foundation, 1996
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Informações gerais
Balthasar van der Ast (Middelburg 1593 - 1657 Delft)
Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase, with Shells
c. 1640-1650
Sala 16
Material e detalhes técnicos
53 x 43 cm
lower right: .B. vander.Ast


Murk Hotzes Ringnalda (1785-1831), Harlingen; by inheritance to his daughter, Lolkjen Reuneker-Ringnalda (1818-1899), Harlingen; by inheritance to Murco Nicolaas Ringnalda, Leeuwarden; by inheritance to M.N. Roegholt, Baarn, 1952 (on loan to the Mauritshuis, 1966-1967, inv. no. 975); Jonkheer J.H. Loudon, The Hague, 1967; bequest of J.H. Loudon to the Friends of the Mauritshuis Foundation, 1996; on long-term loan from the Friends of the Mauritshuis Foundation, since 1996