Flemish painter

Portrait of a Man with a Samson Medal

752 achterzijde
752 ingelijst
752 voorzijde
752 voorzijde

Flemish painter
Portrait of a Man with a Samson Medal

c. 1515-1530 Em exibição em Sala 7

This unknown man is holding a red carnation between his thumb and forefinger. His features have been painted firmly, with no flowing transitions. The red hat with flaps and black ribbons is striking. The medal shining in the light on the front flap shows Samson fighting the lion.

Although the painter’s name is unknown, it was possible to date the portrait, as this kind of hat was popular after 1515.

Detalhes técnicos
752 voorzijde

Flemish painter
Portrait of a Man with a Samson Medal

c. 1515-1530 Em exibição em Sala 7

Acquired with the support of the Rembrandt Association and private individuals, 1917
Para cima


Informações gerais
Flemish painter
Portrait of a Man with a Samson Medal
c. 1515-1530
Sala 7
Material e detalhes técnicos
33.8 x 24.4 cm


A. Pallavicini-Grimaldi, Genoa, 1899 (as by Lucas van Leyden); Leo Nardus, Arnouville and Paris (as by Petrus Christus); Frederik Muller Gallery, Amsterdam; purchased with the support of the Rembrandt Association and private individuals, 1917