Bartholomeus van der Helst

Portrait of Paulus Potter (1625-1654)

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Bartholomeus van der Helst
Portrait of Paulus Potter (1625-1654)

Zu sehen in Saal 12

Paulus Potter, the painter of the famous bull, only lived until the age of 28. Shortly after his death, Van der Helst painted this tribute to him. His magnificent black cloak, his fashionable wavy hair touching his shoulders and his confident gaze lend him an impressive air.

Around 1650, Van der Helst was the most sought-after portrait painter in Amsterdam. His portraits are characterised by a smooth painting style, bright colours and even lighting. They are very different from those of his fellow townsman Rembrandt.

Technische Daten
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Bartholomeus van der Helst
Portrait of Paulus Potter (1625-1654)

Zu sehen in Saal 12

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Allgemeine Informationen
Bartholomeus van der Helst (Haarlem 1613 - 1670 Amsterdam)
Portrait of Paulus Potter (1625-1654)
Saal 12
Material und technische Daten
99 x 80 cm
upper left: B. vander .helst. / 1654


Adriana van Balckeneynde, widow of the sitter, and heirs, The Hague, 1654- 1820; purchased, 1821