Dirck Hals

Merry Company

1060 detail signatuur en datering
1060 achterzijde
1060 ingelijst
1060 voorzijde
1060 voorzijde

Dirck Hals
Merry Company

No expuesto

A group of friends has gathered in an interior. They are eating, drinking and flirting with one another. With their fashionable clothing and silk stockings, they are extremely flamboyant, but the painter has made their collars ridiculously wide. The young woman on the right is being enthusiastically greeted by the others in the group. The man alongside her has placed his hand possessively around her waist and exchanges a knowing look with the man standing on the left. A look that seems to say: ‘Hands off, pal’.

Dirck Hals was the younger brother of the Haarlem master Frans Hals. He specialised in merry companies, following in the footsteps of Esaias van de Velde and Willem Buytewech.

Detalles técnicos
1060 voorzijde

Dirck Hals
Merry Company

No expuesto



Información general
Dirck Hals (Haarlem 1591 - 1656 Haarlem)
Merry Company
Material y detalles técnicos
30 x 51.3 cm
upper right: DHALS 1633
DH in ligature


Epstein Collection, Vienna; D.F. Teixeira de Mattos, The Hague, 1929; gift of jonkheer E.V.E. Teixeira de Mattos, Monte Carlo, 1979