Hans Holbein the Younger (studio of)

Portrait of Jane Seymour (1509?-1537)

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278 voorzijde

Hans Holbein the Younger (studio of)
Portrait of Jane Seymour (1509?-1537)

1540 Non visible

Jane Seymour was the third wife of the English king Henry VIII. Her expensive clothing is embroidered in gold thread, and she is wearing a string of pearls and a pendant of precious stones around her neck. Jane was Henry’s favourite wife. She gave him his long-awaited male heir to the throne, although she died in childbirth.

The court painter Hans Holbein painted several portraits of Jane Seymour, which his pupils copied. But this painting is so good that it may have been painted by Holbein himself.

Détails techniques
278 voorzijde

Hans Holbein the Younger (studio of)
Portrait of Jane Seymour (1509?-1537)

1540 Non visible

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Informations générales
Hans Holbein the Younger (Augsburg 1497/1498 - 1543 London) (studio of)
Portrait of Jane Seymour (1509?-1537)
Détails des matériaux et techniques
26.4 x 18.7 cm


Probably King-Stadholder William III, London, before 1700; thence by inheritance to Prince William V, The Hague, until 1795; confiscated by the French, transferred to the Muséum Central des Arts/Musée Napoléon (Musée du Louvre), Paris, 1795-1815; Royal Picture Gallery, housed in the Prince William V Gallery, The Hague, 1816; transferred to the Mauritshuis, 1822