Gerrit Adriaensz Berckheyde

A Hunting Party near the Hofvijver in The Hague, Seen from the Buitenhof

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Gerrit Adriaensz Berckheyde
A Hunting Party near the Hofvijver in The Hague, Seen from the Buitenhof

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Although this painting by Berckheyde was not in William V’s collection, you will understand why we were keen to hang it here: the cityscape shows the same view as that from the Gallery. In front of you lies the Hofvijver, with to the right the Binnenhof buildings, which then, as now, were the centre of government. The wing that today has the fish stall in front of it housed the stadholder’s quarters, and a carriage pulled by six horses rides where trams now pass by. With this many horses, we can assume the carriage is transporting a high-ranking figure, perhaps even a stadholder of the House of Orange-Nassau.

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Gerrit Adriaensz Berckheyde
A Hunting Party near the Hofvijver in The Hague, Seen from the Buitenhof

Non visitabile

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Informazioni generali
Gerrit Adriaensz Berckheyde (Haarlem 1638 - 1698 Haarlem)
A Hunting Party near the Hofvijver in The Hague, Seen from the Buitenhof
Materiale e dettagli tecnici
53.7 x 63.3 cm
lower left: Gerrit Berck heyde. Hughtenburgh


Johan van der Marck, Leiden, 1773; Jacob Frederiksz van Beek, Amsterdam, until 1828; bequest of Timon Hendrik Blom Coster, The Hague, 1904