Jacob de Wit

The Epic Poem

733 voorzijde
733 voorzijde

Jacob de Wit
The Epic Poem

Экспонируется Зал 12

This ceiling painting comes from a house in Leiden (Rapenburg 48) and has been hanging here since 1912. Apollo, the classical god of the arts, is depicted on the oval centrepiece. He is surrounded by his nine muses, who stand for the various artistic disciplines. The four grisailles around the centrepiece represent the elegy, the comedy, the pastoral song and the epos.

In the eighteenth century, the Amsterdam artist Jacob de Wit was the leading expert in this type of illusionist tour de force.

Технические сведения
733 voorzijde

Jacob de Wit
The Epic Poem

Экспонируется Зал 12



Общие сведения
Jacob de Wit (Amsterdam 1695 - 1754 Amsterdam)
The Epic Poem
Зал 12
Сведения о материале и технике
270 x 398 cm


Made (together with inv. nos. 731, 732, 734 and 735) for Rapenburg 48 in Leiden, the residence of Diederik van Leyden van Vlaardingen; purchased, 1910; installed in the ceiling of the Potter Room, 1912