Balthasar van der Ast

Fruit Still Life with Shells and Tulip

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Balthasar van der Ast
Fruit Still Life with Shells and Tulip

1620 On view in Room 16

This colourful still-life from 1620 is the earliest known painting by Van der Ast, one of the first still-life specialists. An expensive Chinese porcelain dish holds quinces, pomegranates, apricots and grapes. Some exotic shells and a tulip are laid out on the table.

Van der Ast chose a high vantage point, so that we are looking down on the table and can see each object clearly. This composition was customary for still-lifes from the beginning of the seventeenth century.

Technical details

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1066 voorzijde

Balthasar van der Ast
Fruit Still Life with Shells and Tulip

1620 On view in Room 16

Acquired with the support of the Rembrandt Association, 1983


General information
Balthasar van der Ast (Middelburg 1593 - 1657 Delft)
Fruit Still Life with Shells and Tulip
Room 16
Material and technical details
46 x 64 cm
lower left: .B. vander. Ast. fe. / .1620.


Sale Amsterdam, Frederik Muller, 26-29 November and 2 December 1946, lot 1147; N. van Bohemen Gallery, The Hague, 1947; Douwes Gallery, Amsterdam, 1963; H. Girardet, Kettwich, 1963; P. de Boer Gallery, Amsterdam, 1983; purchased with the support of the Rembrandt Association, 1983